BIC PLC LTD. and its affiliates (“British Investment Commission”), is an independent self-regulatory organization and external dispute resolution (EDR) body, that is dedicated specifically to Forex. While the British Investment Commission is not regulated by or registered with as an EDR body in any jurisdiction, it operates in a way where transparency, swiftness, and education are the paramount values.

British Investment Commission ensures that traders and brokers are getting their disputes resolved in a quick, efficient, unbiased and authentic manner while making sure they walk away with a well-founded answer, thus contributing to their overall knowledge about Forex and Contracts for Difference (CFDs).

We have united independent, top industry professionals and created the most efficient Dispute Resolution Committee that can help resolve any dispute arising on Forex and provide a professional and unbiased opinion for disputes in digital currency trading. Between the British Investment Commission Board of Directors and our Dispute Resolution Committee, we have nearly 75 years of Forex experience both working for brokers and with traders. Some of the distinguished

British Investment Commission is uniting the FX brokers who know that proper conduct will be the top value required in all dealings and producing educated and smarter traders who know how things exactly work. We have also developed a transparent and straightforward approach to self-regulation in the digital currency markets, by providing free dispute resolution services between traders, exchanges, and financial firms.

By joining the British Investment Commission, companies are demonstrating their commitment to upholding the highest standards of commercial honor and best business practices in conducting their business, regardless of their licenses and locations. These activities come together to create a cleaner, more credible Forex environment overall.